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Sound Bath


The Magic of Sound: A Journey into Stillness

I remember the first time I brought my Tibetan singing bowl to a children's yoga class. Their fascination was immediate. One child excitedly told me her mum had one in the kitchen. We spent time taking turns trying to make the Tibetan bowl sing. It requires some technique—learning how to hold it and make the right contact.

Teaching yoga to children has given me space to experiment. After everyone had a go, we played another sound game. I struck the bowl, letting it resonate, and the children walked until they could no longer hear the sound—only then could they sit down. It always surprises me how naturally children focus when guided into mindfulness through sound.

Another game involved passing a chime in complete silence, requiring deep concentration and presence. Then, during relaxation, each child had the chance to feel the vibration of the singing bowl placed on their back while resting in child’s pose.

With adults, I often sense more hesitation when introducing sound. Somewhere along the way, we lose our sense of play, exploration, and discovery. Yet, sound has been used for healing and transformation for thousands of years. In Hindu spirituality, The Yoga of Sound draws from this ancient wisdom, using vibration to calm the nervous system, restore balance, and even awaken deeper states of consciousness.

Yoga is about experiencing—moving beyond theory into action, embodiment, and awareness. My teachings come from 24 years of practice, truly engaging with yoga and witnessing how it shifts my life. Sound, like movement and breath, is another gateway to inner stillness.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to explore one of my upcoming Sound Bath events. A space to rest, reset, and experience the profound effect of sound.

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